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Core router failure

Jul 04 at 04:42pm EEST
Affected services
Skylink - Netherlands

Jul 05 at 04:41pm EEST

The issue has been resolved. The router has been replaced.

Jul 05 at 04:41pm EEST

The issue has been resolved. The router has been replaced.

Jul 05 at 09:38am EEST

The cause of the problem has been found. Technician is working on a fix.

Jul 04 at 11:57pm EEST

The technician has arrived at DC. The router check is about to begin.

Jul 04 at 06:56pm EEST

The technician is en route to the data center to troubleshoot or replace a core router.

Jul 04 at 04:42pm EEST

Our supplier has a global core router outage in the Netherlands.

The investigation will start soon.

We hope to have it resolved in the next 24-48 hours.

We will keep you updated on our status page.